VB Audio Resources Download
Logos, Wallpapers, Overlays, Promotion Material, Sounds
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Logos/Overlays: Produced with VoiceMeeter
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Here is your mobile Micro(phone).
Turn your handset into a first class wireless mic.
Everybody got one these days.
Why not build a private InterCom with your mobile devices.
Talk and listen to everybody in your InterCom and to all connected applications, connected to VoiceMeeter: Skype, Messenger, Zoom, Discord … you name it.
Today everybody has his phone in reach: you need to call the kids for dinner, give dad in the basement a call, tell grandma upstairs you leave to the mall? No problem, just press the TALK(ie) button and talk. It even works as a silent spy phone.
Thanks to the VB Audio Network it connects to several VoiceMeeter computers.
Missing a wireless Microphone?
Simply use your mobile phone as a high-quality mic.
Connect it to VoiceMeeter with the VBAN-Talkie app for iOS and/or Android devices!
There is no cable, which can break.
You don´t need to sit next to your wired mic. Just take your phone and walk.
A mic with a touch screen.
How cool is this?
Using your phone and TALKIE is getting you a Mic with touch control. Turn it on/off, Mute your audio and control the integrated audio effects with a finger tip.
High Quality Audio.
High Quality voice effects.
Usually audio quality from wireless mics suffer from audio compression and bad audio algorithms. With VBAN Talkie and uncompressed audio transmission, the sound quality is simply great.
It could even get better with mobile headphones and mics, connected to your phone.
VoiceMeter and TALKIE are built for the audio life. The integrated professional effects make your sound a crap ton better. Just check countless VoiceMeeter Youtubers – they will tell the same.